This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 03 June 2022

By: Taro Chellaram /Wells Fargo Economics & Financial Report/Jun 08, 2022

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 03 June 2022

While talk of recession has kicked up in recent weeks, the majority of economic data remain consistent with modest growth. Nonfarm employment rose more than expected during May, while the unemployment rate was unchanged and average hourly earnings rose only modestly. Manufacturing activity appears to be holding up reasonably well, with the ISM manufacturing index rising in May and factory orders posting solid, broad-based gains. There were soft spots, however. Light vehicle sales came in well below expectations and nearly every regional Fed manufacturing survey weakened this past month.  It’ll be interesting to see how things develop over the next few months.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 27 January 2023

Real GDP expanded at a 2.9% annualized pace in Q4. While beating expectations, the underlying details were not as encouraging. Moreover, the weakening monthly indicator performances to end the year suggest the decelerating trend will continue in Q1.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 13 May 2022

While small business enthusiasm appears to have stalled, as owners are concerned about their ability to continue to pass on higher costs to consumers, cautious enthusiasm around rookie Jeremy Pena’s start persists.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 13 March 2020

Financial conditions tightened sharply this week as concerns over the coronavirus and the economic fallout of containment efforts mounted.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 31 January 2020

Mexico’s economy has slowed notably over the last year, with the economy contracting again in Q4, indicating a full-year contraction for 2019.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 06 August 2021

Back to the economy, issues with supply constraints remains a broken-record reference, but data this week highlighted the economy\'s resilience in spite of those continuing problems.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 22 January 2021

Housing starts jumped 5.8% during December. Single-family starts soared 12%, while multifamily starts dropped 13.6%.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 17 July 2020

Two countervailing themes competed for attention this week in financial markets. The first is that for the most part, economic data continue to surprise to the upside and do not yet rule out prospects for that elusive V-shaped recovery.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 23 December 2020

Vaccines are here, but they are not yet widely available in a way that can stem the spread of a disease that grows by 200K a day.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 20 August 2021

The Wells Fargo Economics team notes in the Commentary that new COVID cases in New Zealand disrupted the Reserve Bank of New Zealand\'s plan to tighten monetary policy this week.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 24 July 2020

Initial jobless claims rose to just over 1.4 million for the week ending July 18. Continuing claims fell to about 16.2 million. Initial claims edging higher suggests that the resurgence of COVID-19 may be taking a toll on the labor market recovery.


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