Make Your Best Offer of this PRIME 10AC ± land located with easy access to Jimmy Johnson Blvd entry and exit of US69 Highway ramps in Port Arthur. With the city' s multi-Billion dollar refinery and chemical industry and Memorial Hospital system a block away on Jimmy Johnson Blvd, the timing is right to use this property for a variety of possible developments including Retirement Homes, Multifamily, Mixed use community retail center family restaurants sites or climate controlled self-storage. Surrounding area are garnered with new luxury Apartments, condominiums, Legacy Assisted living, big box retailers, shopping mall and Hotels. A new High school complex, a new middle school and construction of a new Elementary school indicate the area is mature for urban growth. US73-US69 interchange is just a mile away. Motiva and Total SA, the 2 dominant chemical plants have started or restarted their respective expansion projects in Port Arthur costing over $13Billion. National and regional retailers are moving into the area.
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