This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 01 July 2022

By: Taro Chellaram /Wells Fargo Economics & Financial Report/Jul 14, 2022

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 01 July 2022

As with the Mets and Yankees when they ran into the Astros over the last couple days, consumers staying power is showing signs of running out as inflation persists and confidence moves sharply lower. While consumers still have the ability to rely on their balance sheets to support spending, it's uncertain for how much longer they will continue to do so. Piling on the tough news was the weak ISM manufacturing report for June, which illustrates that we are not just seeing weakness out of the consumer, but investment spending as well.  On a more cheerful note, at least we have a three-day weekend to relax and go shopping.  Hit those sales…it’s the patriotic thing to do.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 04 August 2023

Employment growth was broad-based, though reliant on a 87K gain in health care & social assistance. Modest gains from construction, financial activities and hospitality also contributed to private sector job growth.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 08 November 2019

Optimism soared this week on hopes of a forthcoming trade deal, as equity markets hit all-time highs and the yield curve steepened.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 08 January 2021

The manufacturing sector is showing a great deal of resilience, with the ISM Manufacturing survey exceeding expectations, at 60.7, and factory orders remaining strong.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 28 August 2020

After a revised look at GDP this week suggested the second quarter may not have been quite as bad as first estimated, attention shifts to the current quarter.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 12 April 2024

The March consumer price data dominated the economic discussion this week and are the latest to support that the timing and degree of Fed easing will be later and smaller than many of us previously expected.

May 2020 Economy at a Glance

The U.S. is in a severe recession caused by the sudden shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the lock down began, the nation has lost 21.4 million jobs.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 24 September 2021

While fears of an Evergrande default in China were rattling financial markets, for those of us in Southeast Texas who have survived the typically very hot months of July, August and September, this week brought the very welcome first early fall-like

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 09 October 2020

Weekly first time unemployment claims highlighted an extraordinarily slow week for economic news. Jobless claims fell slightly but continuing claims fell by one million.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 23 October 2020

A recent strong report from the National Association of Homebuilders set the tone for another round of strong housing data. The NAHB index rose two points to a record high 85.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 09 April 2020

The Federal Reserve announced a series of measures this morning that are intended to assist households, businesses and state & local governments as they cope with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak.


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