This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 10 November 2020

By: Taro Chellaram /Wells Fargo Economics & Financial Report/Nov 17, 2020

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 10 November 2020

Outlook Still Depends Critically on COVID

The U.S. election has come and gone, but we have not made any meaningful changes to our economic outlook, which continues to look for further expansion in the U.S. economy in coming quarters. We continue to assume that another fiscal stimulus package will not be forthcoming in coming months. Although we readily acknowledge that the new president and the incoming Congress could legislate further fiscal support, the size and timing of any such package is more or less impossible to forecast at this point. So we make the simplifying assumption that further fiscal support will not be forthcoming, but stand ready to adjust our forecasts higher if another package is signed into law.

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A recent strong report from the National Association of Homebuilders set the tone for another round of strong housing data. The NAHB index rose two points to a record high 85.

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Financial markets reacted in a zig-zag pattern to this week\'s economic data ahead of the next FOMC meeting. Price pressure is still not showing the sustained slowdown the Fed needs before it takes its foot off the throttle of tighter policy.

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Economic data were downbeat this week, as downward revisions took some of the shine out of the marquee headline numbers. Despite the somewhat weak start to Q1, economic growth continues to trek along.

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While talk of recession has kicked up in recent weeks, the majority of economic data remain consistent with modest growth.

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The Federal Reserve reduced the fed funds rate 25 bps this week, continuing to cite economic weakness overseas and muted inflation pressures.

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The biggest economic news was Fed Chair Powell presenting the Federal Reserve\'s semiannual Monetary Policy report to Congress this week.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 24 January 2020

Fears of an escalating coronavirus outbreak reached the United States this week, as a Washington state man became the first confirmed domestic case and the international total reached more than 800.

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Increased vaccinations and an improving public health position led to an easing of restrictions and pickup in activity across the country in March.

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Weekly first time unemployment claims highlighted an extraordinarily slow week for economic news. Jobless claims fell slightly but continuing claims fell by one million.

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 03 November 2023

Although payroll growth is easing, the labor market remains relatively tight. The unemployment rate inched up to 3.9% in October, slightly higher than the cycle low of 3.4% first hit in January 2023, but still low compared to historical averages.


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