This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 24 April 2020

By: Taro Chellaram /Wells Fargo Economics & Financial Report/Apr 27, 2020

This Week's State Of The Economy - What Is Ahead? - 24 April 2020

U.S. - Throw Out the Textbook

  • Oil prices went negative for the first time in history on Monday as the evaporation of demand collided with a supply glut.
  • In the past five weeks, 26.5 million people have filed for unemployment insurance, or more than one out of every seven workers.
  • Congress has passed its fourth major relief package, including an additional $320 billion for the PPP.
  • The Fed continues to do what it can, with its balance sheet rising an astounding $2.4 trillion in just two months.

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The Producer Price Index (PPI) was a bit firm in April, rising 0.5% amid higher services prices, though it did come with slight downward revisions to prior month\'s data.

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The international economic news over the past week has been somewhat mixed. On the positive side, China’s October data showed ongoing growth in manufacturing and firming retail and service sector activity.

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The Federal Reserve reduced the fed funds rate 25 bps this week, continuing to cite economic weakness overseas and muted inflation pressures.

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Minutes from the January 28-29 FOMC meeting indicate the coronavirus will not push the Fed to cut interest rates, and for the most part housing and manufacturing survey data this week supported that view.

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Deep thought for the week, if a tree falls in the forest, or an Olympics occurs, and no one is there to hear it or see it, did it really occur?

25 January 2021 Economic Outlook Report

In the second installment of our series on economic risks in the foreseeable future, we analyze the potential for higher inflation in coming years stemming from excess demand.

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Housing starts jumped 5.8% during December. Single-family starts soared 12%, while multifamily starts dropped 13.6%.

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U.S. GDP declined at an annualized rate of 4.8% in the first quarter, only a hint of what is to come in the second quarter.

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What a crazy week. It’s hard to worry about something as relatively unimportant as economic trends when one thinks about what folks in Ukraine are enduring, but economies are nonetheless impacted.

28 January 2021 Economic Outlook Report

In our recently released second report in this series of economic risks, we focused on the potential of demand-side factors to lead to significantly higher U.S. inflation in the next few years.


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